Register your company

General information on Serbian Business Legislation for Representation and/or Branch

PRESENCE – If your intention is only the presence on the Serbian business market in interest of making contacts, the Representation is sufficient. Note: according to Serbian legislation, the representative office can not issue invoices, it can not receive money from domestic companies. The only way for financing it is to get money for the expenses from the company’s representative office. The representative office can pay advertising, order advertising material and spend money on the advertisement of the foreign company that represents it.

registracija firme

BUSINESS – If you would like to start a business in Serbia, we recommend that you open a LLC or Branch(LLC may own a property in Serbia). If your company’s plan is to sell/buy, issue invoices, hire local labor, it is necessary to be registered as LLC or foreign Branch. We manage similar projects for several foreign clients, which means far more then enabling the address, so, according to your needs and our participation, we can make you an appropriate offer.

Registration of LLC company in the Republic of Serbia, the real owner: foreign legal or physical entity

Documents issued by the official competent authorities responsible for verification in a foreign country, shall be treated as foreign documents. If the documents are issued by a public institution of a country which is a signatory to the Hague Convention on the Treatment of public foreign documents or a State which haves a signed international Bilateral agreement with the Republic of Serbia related to the mutual recognition of public documents, only the Apostille is required on the document

On the other hand, if a document is issued by a public institution of the country, which is not one of the signatories of the above mentioned Convention, or doesn’t have signed International Treaty with the Republic of Serbia, the so-called legalization and verification of documents is required.

Information and documents


With the application for registration, it is necessary to enclose the following documents:

  • Filled application (filled in by our lawyer)
  • Authorization is granted to a lawyer(it does not have to be authenticated)
  • Proof of identity of the founder – for legal entities photocopy of the certificate from the register in which the legal entity is registered (with Apostille and translated into Serbian language by the court interpreter), for physical entities photocopy of the passport certified by a notary
  • Decision on founding company with certified signatures of the founders


Information about the company needed for making a decision about establishment:

  • The name of the company
  • Headquarters / address
  • Name and surname of the director and other representatives, their place of residence and UMCN (unique master citizen number) as well as the certificate of their power (limited or not)
  • The activity that the company will preform predominantly


Necessary information about founders:

  • Name and surname i.e name of the founder
  • Address i.e seat
  • Name and surname of the director / founder if the founder is a foreign legal entity

All documents in a foreign language must be translated into Serbian by a court interpreter. The Serbian Registry Agency recognizes documents certified by the Court or the competent municipality.

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